Foresight2020 Launches Guide for Securing Home WiFi

Foresight2020 Launches Guide for Securing Home WiFi

A question we have been repeatedly asked in our cybersecurity trainings recently is: "How do I secure my home WiFi?"

Extended work-from-home arrangements have both campaign staff and security professionals concerned about security implications. While offices take precautions to secure their routers, consumers don't have the time and expertise to apply the same high standards to their home set-up. Additionally, the rise of smart devices give hackers more opportunities to get a foothold in someone's home network, which they can use to attack a user's laptop.

There is a lot of advice online on how to secure a consumer router. Unfortunately, much of it requires expensive steps (e.g. buy a $200 specialized router) or advanced computer networking knowledge. While that advice is sound, we had trouble finding an easy-to-follow guide that anyone could use to improve their own home WiFi security, regardless of whether they have hours to focus on it or just need the top tips.

As such, today, Foresight2020 is launching its simple guide for securing home WiFi. The suggestions are prioritized, include links to step-by-step instructions, and are all free.

You can download the guide here.

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